How Call4tel helped Belgian Partner boost their professionalism when selling 3CX

Groovit is a Belgian-based IT Security and IT Solutions provider that specializes in hospital and clinic voice solutions, IP telephony, IP video surveillance, secure computer networks, secure data backup and collaborative messaging.

Their office is in Belgium near the French border and they provide their services in Belgium, France, Luxembourg as well as Switzerland.

We spoke to General Manager Michel Verhaeghe on how Call4tel allowed them to increase their professionalism when selling 3CX.

What’s the secret to your success in selling Call4tel appliances?

Call4tel devices are the only 3CX certified appliances available in the market. They are also 3CX branded and can support different license sizes (up to 800 users) and allow you to configure them as you see fit and according to the customer’s needs.

Why did you decide to sell Call4tel appliances?

We recently developed a new solution specifically for hospitals and clinics, the Nurse Call Solution. We needed an appliance that would be reliable, easy to install and manage as well as powerful and scalable. We tried NUC and Shuttle, however, we lost huge amounts of time on configuration and management. We then tried Call4tel – and haven’t looked back since.

As a business, what benefits have you seen since you started selling Call4tel?

The fact that Call4tel appliances are 3CX branded and allow us to configure them and manage them remotely, if need be, has increased our professional image tremendously. We no longer have to troubleshoot the hardware we use with 3CX before the actual installation and software is up and running. Call4tel appliances simply work from the word go.

What would be your advice to aspiring Call4tel Partners?

That they must try Call4Tel. They should show they trust in the solution and the amazing support offered by the team.

How does Call4tel help you to differentiate from your competitors?

As mentioned, the appliances help us showcase our professionalism. Since we don’t manufacture our own PBX hardware and have to rely on other vendors for hardware there’s always a risk that the solutions will show you up. We know that this won’t happen with Call4tel.

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