Upgrading the NX series to the latest version

Step 1

Upgrading the NX32 to the latest version

  1. Click on the avatar menu button below the current version, and select the “UPDATE” option. 

Step 2

Upgrading the NX32 to the latest version 2

  1. A window will appear. From here select the “Click here to update the app (version X.XXX)” button. 
  2. Once completed you will be notified that the update was successful.  
  3. Click on the “Continue” button. 
  4. Click on the “Refresh” button.  

The version has now been updated. 

Getting to the latest version

Upgrading the NX32 to the latest version 3

If your device was on a much older version then you need to repeat the steps outlined above until you reach this message when selecting the “Update” option.